Dream Boldly!
Dream Boldly!
Someone once said that our dreams are only as large as our experiences. Here at the firm, we take pride in ensuring that after our clients have put their “impossible” legal situations behind them, they adapt a new attitude of empowerment.
At the firm, we pride ourselves on educating our Clients about the legal system. This education leads to them leaving our office with a new perspective. We have developed new terms for our Clients to use when describing their past situations and future ambitions.
Our desire is that when Clients leave our office, they know that anything is POSSIBLE if they continue to Dream Boldly!
Noun/dream bear•er/drēm ˈbēr-ər
- : one that possesses a cherished aspiration, ambition, or idea.
- : one that yields confidence that exceeds their current limitations and surrounding.
Sentence: Deaina Brown continually encourages her clients to adopt an attitude of a Dream
Bearer; this attitude allows her clients to mentally move beyond their current situations while waiting to complete their cases.
Noun/dream blaz•er/drēm ˈblā-zər
- : a person who sets out to develop an unconventional path of aspirations, goals, and ambitions.
- : someone that possesses the ability to dazzle people in close proximity with their contagious state of mind and excitement for living.
Sentence: As clients leave The Law Office of Deaina M. Brown, PLLC, they are
equipped with the tools to become Dream Blazers.
Verb/dream bliss•ful•ly/drēm bliss·fəl–lē
- : to foresee one’s self in a state of complete euphoria.
- : to visualize a world where one is at their most contented moment.
- : to allow one’s mind to think and exude only positive thoughts and thoughts of contentment.
Sentence: Deaina Brown often takes out time daily to Dream Blissfully about the firm, she
then incorporates those thoughts into her practice style.
Verb/dream bold•ly/drēm bohld-lē
- : when one decides to advance a cherished aspiration, ambition, or idea that necessitates the need to be courageous or daring.
- : to place one’s self in a state of mind in which one is or seems to be unaware of their immediate surroundings and does not hesitate to break down barriers and move forward.
- : to allow one’s self to envision a cherished aspiration, ambition, or idea beyond the usual limits of conventional thought or action; to be imaginative.
Sentence: Daily, as Deaina Brown rises, she reminds herself that today is the perfect day to
Dream Boldly
Noun/dream break•er/drēm ˈbrā-kər
- : an incident, comment, or machine whose sole purpose is to separate someone or something from a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal.
Sentence: At the Law Office of Deaina M. Brown, PLLC we empower our clients to be able to mentally distance themselves from the Dream Breakers in their life, including their current legal situation.
Noun/dream build•er/drēm ˈbil-dər
- : a person who constructs, by putting parts together over a period of time, bold aspirations, goals, or desires.
Sentence: When clients enter The Law Office of Deaina M. Brown, PLLC, they are
encouraged to be Dream Builders and develop a plan that allows them to envision
themselves beyond their current circumstances.

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